/// Implementation of DJB2 digester.
module tern.digest.djb2;

import tern.digest;
import tern.serialization;

 * Implementation of DJB2 digester.
 * DJB2 is a widely used non-cryptographic hash function created by Daniel J. Bernstein.
 * It is simple, fast, and produces well-distributed hash values for various inputs.
 * Example:
 * ```d
 * import tern.digest.djb2;
 * ubyte[] data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
 * auto hashValue = DJB2.hash(data);
 * ```
public static @digester class DJB2
     * Computes the DJB2 hash digest of the given data.
     * Params:
     *  data = The input byte array for which the DJB2 hash is to be computed.
     * Returns:
     *  A byte array representing the computed DJB2 hash digest.
    ubyte[] hash(ubyte[] data)
        uint ret = 5381;
        foreach (b; data)
            ret = ((ret << 5) + ret) + b;
        return ret.serialize!true();