Implementation of Berus digester.
Berus is a modified Argon2 designed for lightweight and low-resource environments. It operates by dividing the input data into blocks, applying a series of operations, including XOR and addition, and then compressing the result.
Computes the Berus digest of the given data.
import tern.digest.berus; ubyte[] data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; ubyte[] salt = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; auto hashValue = Berus.hash(data, salt);
See Implementation
Implementation of Berus digester.
Berus is a modified Argon2 designed for lightweight and low-resource environments. It operates by dividing the input data into blocks, applying a series of operations, including XOR and addition, and then compressing the result.