Implementation of Mira256 digester, internally backed by tern.digest.circe.
Mira is an incredibly fast stream encryption algorithm based on shuffling and vector xor operations on data.
Decrypts the given byte array data.
Encrypts the given byte array data.
string key = "SpWc5m7uednxBqV2YrKk83tZ6UayFEPRSpWc5m7uednxBqV2YrKk83tZ6UayFEPR"; ubyte[] data = cast(ubyte[])"Hello World!"; Mira256.encrypt(data, key); Mira256.decrypt(data, key);
See Implementation
Implementation of Mira256 digester, internally backed by tern.digest.circe.
Mira is an incredibly fast stream encryption algorithm based on shuffling and vector xor operations on data.