Value | Meaning |
BAD | |
LOOK_AHEAD | (?...) Matches group ahead |
LOOK_BEHIND | (...<...) Matches group behind |
CHARACTERS | [...] Stores a set of characters (matches any) |
ANCHOR_START | ^ Matches only if at the start of a line or the full text |
ANCHOR_END | $ Matches only if at the end of a line or the full text |
GROUP | (...) Stores a set of elements |
ANY | . Matches any character |
REFERENCE | ~\gn~ or $n (group) or %n (absolute) Refers to a group or element |
RESET | \K \Kn. Resets match or group match |
PUSHFW | n-> or |-> Moves the current text position forward |
PUSHBW | <-n or <-| Moves the current text position backward |