Checks if there are enough elements left in the data array to read T.
Checks if there are enough elements left in the data array to read.
Peeks at the next value from the stream of type T without advancing the stream position.
Peeks at multiple values of type T from the stream without advancing the stream position.
Peeks an array of type T from the stream without advancing the stream position.
Reads a string from the stream considering the character width and prefixing without advancing the stream position.
Writes the provided value to the stream without advancing the stream position.
Writes multiple values of type T to the stream without advancing the stream position.
Writes a string into the stream considering the character width and prefixing without advancing the stream position.
Reads the next value from the stream of type T.
Reads multiple values of type T from the stream.
Reads an array of type T from the stream.
Reads data from a byte stream into a structured type based on specified field names and read kinds. Designed specifically for better control reading string and array fields.
Reads an integer value encoded in 7 bits from the stream.
Reads a type from the stream using optional fields.
Reads a string from the stream considering the character width and prefixing.
Seeks to a new position in the stream based on the provided offset and seek direction.
Moves the position in the stream by the size of type T.
Moves the position in the stream forward by one until val is peeked.
Writes the provided value to the stream.
Writes multiple values of type T to the stream.
Writes an integer value encoded in 7 bits to the stream.
Writes a string to the stream considering the character width and prefixing.
Binary stream implementation backed by an array.