
Comptime algorithm templates for working with AliasSeq.



alias randomBool(uint max, uint seed = uint.max, uint R0 = __LINE__, string R1 = __TIMESTAMP__, string R2 = __FILE_FULL_PATH__, string R3 = __FUNCTION__) = Alias!(random!(uint, 0, max, seed, R0, R1, R2, R3) == 0)

Generates a random boolean with the odds 1/max.


eponymoustemplate seqAny(A...)

True if all elements in A meet the first given predicate.

eponymoustemplate seqAny(A...)

True if any elements in A meet the first given predicate.

eponymoustemplate seqContains(A...)

Checks if an AliasSeq contains an alias.

eponymoustemplate seqStringJoin(string SEPARATOR, A...)

Creates a string representing A using the given separator.


Alias (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
AliasSeq (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
ApplyLeft (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
ApplyRight (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
DerivedToFront (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
Erase (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
EraseAll (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
MostDerived (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
NoDuplicates (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
Repeat (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
Replace (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
ReplaceAll (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
Reverse (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
Stride (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
aliasSeqOf (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
staticSort (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
templateAnd (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
templateNot (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.
templateOr (from std.meta)
public import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq, aliasSeqOf, Erase, EraseAll, NoDuplicates, Stride, DerivedToFront, MostDerived, Repeat, Replace, ReplaceAll, Reverse, staticSort, templateAnd, templateNot, templateOr, ApplyLeft, ApplyRight;
Undocumented in source.


template isSame(alias A, alias B)

Checks if two aliases are identical.

template random(T, T min, T max, uint seed = uint.max, uint R0 = __LINE__, string R1 = __TIMESTAMP__, string R2 = __FILE_FULL_PATH__, string R3 = __FUNCTION__)

Generates a random floating point value.

template random(T, T min, T max, uint seed = uint.max, uint R0 = __LINE__, string R1 = __TIMESTAMP__, string R2 = __FILE_FULL_PATH__, string R3 = __FUNCTION__)

Generates a random integral value.

template seqFilter(A...)

Filters over an AliasSeq based on a predicate.

template seqFilter(string F, A...)

Filters over an AliasSeq based on a string predicate.

template seqIndexOf(A...)
Undocumented in source.
template seqLoad(A...)
Undocumented in source.
template seqMap(A...)

Maps a template over an AliasSeq, returning an AliasSeq of all of the return values.

template seqMap(string F, A...)

Maps a string over an AliasSeq, returning an AliasSeq of all of the return values.
