
Expansive traits module meant to replace std.traits.



alias Attributes(alias A, string M) = Attributes!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets all attributes of child M in A.

alias Children(alias A, string M) = Children!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets all children of child M in A.

alias ElementType(alias A, string M) = ElementType!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

Gets an alias to the element type of M in A.

alias Fields(alias A, string M) = Fields!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets an AliasSeq with all fields in M in A.

alias Functions(alias A, string M) = Functions!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets an AliasSeq with all functions in M in A.

alias Implements(alias A, string M) = Implements!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets an AliasSeq with all types implemented by M in A.

alias Length(alias A, string M) = Length!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

Gets an alias to the length of M in A.

alias Parameters(alias A, string M) = Parameters!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets an alias to the parameters of M in A.

alias ReturnType(alias A, string M) = ReturnType!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets an alias to the return type of M in A.

alias Signature(alias A, string M) = Signature!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets the signature of M in A.

alias Templates(alias A, string M) = Templates!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets an AliasSeq with all templates in M in A.

alias Types(alias A, string M) = Types!(getChild!(A, M))

Gets an AliasSeq with all types in M in A.

alias getChild(alias A, string M1, string M2) = getChild!(getChild!(A, M1), M2)

Gets the child M2 in M1 in A.

alias hasAliasing(alias A, string M) = hasAliasing!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A has aliasing.

alias hasChild(alias A, string M1, string M2) = hasChild!(getChild!(A, M1), M2)

True if child M1 in A has a child M2.

alias hasChildren(alias A, string M) = hasChildren!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A has children.

alias hasConstructor(alias A, string M) = hasChildren!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A has a constructor.

alias hasElaborateAssign(alias A, string M) = hasElaborateAssign!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A has an elaborate assign.

alias hasElaborateCopyConstructor(alias A, string M) = hasElaborateCopyConstructor!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A has an elaborate copy constructor.

alias hasElaborateDestructor(alias A, string M) = hasElaborateDestructor!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A has an elaborate destructor.

alias hasElaborateMove(alias A, string M) = hasElaborateMove!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A has an elaborate move.

alias hasField(alias A, string M1, string M2) = hasField!(getChild!(A, M1), M2)

True if child M1 in A has a field M2.

alias hasFunction(alias A, string M1, string M2) = hasFunction!(getChild!(A, M1), M2)

True if child M1 in A has a function M2.

alias hasModifiers(alias A, string M) = hasModifiers!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A has modifiers.

alias hasParent(alias A, string M, alias P) = hasParent!(getChild!(A, M), P)

True if child M1 in A has a parent P.

alias hasTemplate(alias A, string M1, string M2) = hasTemplate!(getChild!(A, M1), M2)

True if child M1 in A has a template M2.

alias hasType(alias A, string M1, string M2) = hasType!(getChild!(A, M1), M2)

True if child M1 in A has a type M2.

alias hasUnsharedAliasing(alias A, string M) = hasUnsharedAliasing!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A has unshared aliasing.

alias isAbstract(alias A, string M) = isAbstract!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is abstract.

alias isAggregateType(alias A, string M) = isAggregateType!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is an aggregate type.

alias isArray(alias A, string M) = isArray!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is an array.

alias isAssignable(alias A, string M, alias B) = isAssignable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M), B))

True if the type of M in A is assignable to B.

alias isAssociativeArray(alias A, string M) = isAssociativeArray!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is an associative array.

alias isAutodecodableString(alias A, string M) = isAutodecodableString!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is an auto-decodeable string.

alias isBackward(alias A, string M) = isBackward!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is backward iterable.

alias isBuiltinType(alias A, string M) = isBuiltinType!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a built-in type.

alias isCallable(alias A, string M) = isCallable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is callable.

alias isChar(alias A, string M) = isChar!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is any char.

alias isClass(alias A, string M) = isClass!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a class.

alias isCopyable(alias A, string M) = isCopyable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is copyable.

alias isCovariantWith(alias A, string M, alias B) = isCovariantWith!(typeof(getChild!(A, M), B))

True if the type of M in A is covariant with B.

alias isDImplDefined(alias A, string M) = isDImplDefined!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is implementation defined.

alias isDelegate(alias A, string M) = isDelegate!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a delegate.

alias isDynamicArray(alias A, string M) = isDynamicArray!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a dynamic array.

alias isDynamicLambda(alias A, string M) = isDynamicLambda!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a dynamic lambda.

alias isElement(alias A, string M, alias B) = isElement!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)), B)

True if the type of M in A is an element of B.

alias isEnum(alias A, string M) = isEnum!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is an enum.

alias isEqualityComparable(alias A, string M) = isEqualityComparable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is equality comparable.

alias isField(alias A, string M) = isField!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is a field.

alias isFinal(alias A, string M) = isFinal!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is final.

alias isFloatingPoint(alias A, string M) = isFloatingPoint!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a floating-point.

alias isForward(alias A, string M) = isForward!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is forward iterable.

alias isFunction(alias A, string M) = isFunction!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is a function.

alias isFunctionPointer(alias A, string M) = isFunctionPointer!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a function pointer.

alias isImplement(alias A, string M, alias B) = isImplement!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)), B)

True if the type of M in A implements B.

alias isImplicitlyConvertible(alias A, string M, alias B) = isImplicitlyConvertible!(typeof(getChild!(A, M), B))

True if the type of M in A is implicitly convertible to B.

alias isIndexAssignable(alias A, string M) = isIndexAssignable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is index assignable.

alias isIndexable(alias A, string M) = isIndexable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is indexable.

alias isInstanceOf(alias A, string M, alias B) = isInstanceOf!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)), B)

True if the type of M in A is an instance of B.

alias isIntegral(alias A, string M) = isIntegral!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is an integral.

alias isInterface(alias A, string M) = isInterface!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is an interface.

alias isLambda(alias A, string M) = isLambda!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a lambda.

alias isLocal(alias A, string M) = isLocal!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is a local.

alias isManifest(alias A, string M) = isManifest!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is manifest data.

alias isModule(alias A, string M) = isModule!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is a module.

alias isMutable(alias A, string M) = isMutable!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is mutable.

alias isNarrowString(alias A, string M) = isNarrowString!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a narrow string.

alias isNoReturn(alias A, string M) = isNoReturn!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a void returning callable.

alias isNumeric(alias A, string M) = isNumeric!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is numeric.

alias isOrderingComparable(alias A, string M) = isOrderingComparable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is ordering comparable.

alias isOrganic(alias A, string M) = isOrganic!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is not implementation defined.

alias isPointer(alias A, string M) = isPointer!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a pointer.

alias isProperty(alias A, string M) = isProperty!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is a property.

alias isPure(alias A, string M) = isPure!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is pure.

alias isQualifierConvertible(alias A, string M, alias B) = isQualifierConvertible!(typeof(getChild!(A, M), B))

True if the type of M in A is qualifier convertible to B.

alias isReferenceType(alias A, string M) = isReferenceType!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a reference type.

alias isReinterpretable(alias A, string M, alias B) = isReinterpretable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M), B))

True if the type of M in A is reinterpretable to B.

alias isSafe(alias A, string M) = isSafe!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is safe.

alias isScalar(alias A, string M) = isScalar!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a scalar.

alias isSigned(alias A, string M) = isSigned!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is signed.

alias isSimRange(alias A, string M, alias B) = isSimRange!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)), B)

True if the type of M in A shares element type with B.

alias isSliceAssignable(alias A, string M) = isSliceAssignable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is slice assignable.

alias isSliceable(alias A, string M) = isSliceable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is sliceable.

alias isStatic(alias A, string M) = isStatic!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is static.

alias isStaticArray(alias A, string M) = isStaticArray!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a static array.

alias isString(alias A, string M) = isString!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is any string.

alias isStruct(alias A, string M) = isStruct!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a struct.

alias isTemplate(alias A, string M) = isTemplate!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is a template.

alias isTemplatedCallable(alias A, string M) = isTemplatedCallable!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a templated callable.

alias isType(alias A, string M) = isType!(getChild!(A, M))

True if M in A is a type.

alias isUnion(alias A, string M) = isUnion!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a union.

alias isUnsafe(alias A, string M) = isUnsafe!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is unsafe.

alias isUnsigned(alias A, string M) = isUnsigned!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is unsigned.

alias isValueType(alias A, string M) = isValueType!(typeof(getChild!(A, M)))

True if the type of M in A is a value type.


eponymoustemplate Arity(alias F)

Gets the number of arguments that F takes, undefined or variadic.

eponymoustemplate alignof(T)

Gets the alignment of T dynamically, returning the actual instance alignment.

eponymoustemplate fullIdentifier(alias A)

Gets the full identifier of A including all parents.

eponymoustemplate hasAliasing(alias A)

True if A contains any kind of aliasing.

eponymoustemplate hasChild(alias A, string M)

True if A has a child M.

eponymoustemplate hasChildren(alias A)

True if A has any children.

eponymoustemplate hasConstructor(alias A)

True if T has any instance constructor ("__ctor").

eponymoustemplate hasElaborateAssign(T)

True if T has a user defined assignment operation.

eponymoustemplate hasElaborateCopyConstructor(T)

True if T has a user defined copy constructor.

eponymoustemplate hasElaborateDestructor(T)

True if T has a user defined destructor.

eponymoustemplate hasElaborateMove(T)

True if T has a user defined move operation.

eponymoustemplate hasField(alias A, string M)

True if A has a field M.

eponymoustemplate hasFunction(alias A, string M)

True if A has a function M.

eponymoustemplate hasModifiers(T)

True if T is an enum, array, or pointer.

eponymoustemplate hasParent(alias A, alias P)

True if A has a parent P.

eponymoustemplate hasParents(alias A)

True if A has any parents.

eponymoustemplate hasTemplate(alias A, string M)

True if A has a type M.

eponymoustemplate hasType(alias A, string M)

True if A has a type M.

eponymoustemplate hasUnsharedAliasing(alias A)

True if A contains any kind of unshared (thread-unsafe) aliasing.

eponymoustemplate identifier(alias A)

Gets the partial identifier of A excluding all parents.

eponymoustemplate isAbstract(alias A)

True if A is final.

eponymoustemplate isAggregateType(alias A)

True if A is an aggregate type symbol.

eponymoustemplate isArray(T)

True if T is an array.

eponymoustemplate isAssignable(A, B)

True if type A is assignable to type B.

eponymoustemplate isAssociativeArray(T)

True if T is an associative array.

eponymoustemplate isAutodecodeableString(T)

True if T is an auto-decodeable string.

eponymoustemplate isBackward(T)

True if T is able to be iterated upon forwards.

eponymoustemplate isBuiltinType(T)

True if T is a built-in type, as in any language defined type.

eponymoustemplate isCallable(alias F)

True if F is a function, lambda, or otherwise may be called using (...)

eponymoustemplate isChar(T)

True if T is any char.

eponymoustemplate isClass(alias A)

True if A is a class type symbol.

eponymoustemplate isConstructor(alias F)

True if F is a constructor;

eponymoustemplate isCopyable(T)

True if T is unable to be copied.

eponymoustemplate isCovariantWith(A, B)

True if type A is covariant with type B.

eponymoustemplate isDImplDefined(alias A)

True if A is an implementation defined alias (ie: __ctor, std, rt, etc.)

eponymoustemplate isDelegate(alias A)

True if A is a delegate symbol.

eponymoustemplate isDestructor(alias F)

True if F is a destructor.

eponymoustemplate isDynamicArray(T)

True if T is a dynamic array.

eponymoustemplate isDynamicLambda(alias F)

True if F is a dynamic lambda (templated, ie: x => x + 1)

eponymoustemplate isElement(A, B)

True if B is an element type of A (assignable as element.)

eponymoustemplate isEnum(alias A)

True if A is a enum type symbol.

eponymoustemplate isEqualityComparable(T)

True if T is able to be equality compared.

eponymoustemplate isExpression(alias A)

True if A is an expression, like a string, numeric, or other manifest data.

eponymoustemplate isField(alias A)

True if A is a field.

eponymoustemplate isFinal(alias A)

True if A is final.

eponymoustemplate isFloatingPoint(T)

True if T is a floating point.

eponymoustemplate isForward(T)

True if T is able to be iterated upon forwards.

eponymoustemplate isFunction(alias A)

True if A is a function symbol.

eponymoustemplate isFunctionPointer(alias A)

True if A is a function pointer symbol.

eponymoustemplate isImplement(A, B)

True if type A implements type B.

eponymoustemplate isImplicitlyConvertible(A, B)

True if type A is implicitly convertible to type B.

eponymoustemplate isIndexAssignable(T)

True if T is able to be index assigned.

eponymoustemplate isIndexable(T)

True if T is able to be indexed.

eponymoustemplate isInstanceOf(A, B)

True if type B is an instance of type A.

eponymoustemplate isIntegral(T)

True if T is an integral.

eponymoustemplate isInterface(alias A)

True if A is a interface type symbol.

eponymoustemplate isLambda(alias F)

True if F is a lambda.

eponymoustemplate isLocal(alias A)

True if A is a local.

eponymoustemplate isManifest(alias A)

True if A is an enum field or local.

eponymoustemplate isModule(alias A)

True if A is a module.

eponymoustemplate isMutable(alias A)

True if A is not mutable (const, immutable, enum, etc.).

eponymoustemplate isNarrowString(T)

True if T is a string or wstring.

eponymoustemplate isNoReturn(alias F)

True if F has no return type (void.)

eponymoustemplate isNumeric(T)

True if T is numerically represented, as in integral or float.

eponymoustemplate isOrderingComparable(T)

True if T is able to be ordering compared, as in <, >, etc.

eponymoustemplate isOrganic(alias A)

True if A is not D implementation defined.

eponymoustemplate isPackage(alias A)

True if A is a package.

eponymoustemplate isPointer(T)

True if T is a pointer.

eponymoustemplate isProperty(alias F)

True if F is a property of any kind.

eponymoustemplate isPure(alias F)

True if F is a pure callable.

eponymoustemplate isQualifierConvertible(A, B)

True if type A is qualifier convertible to type B.

eponymoustemplate isReferenceType(T)

True if T is an indirection.

eponymoustemplate isReinterpretable(A, B)

True if type A is reinterpretable to type B.

eponymoustemplate isSafe(alias F)

True if F is safe.

eponymoustemplate isScalar(T)

True if T is an intrinsically numeric.

eponymoustemplate isSigned(T)

True if T is signed.

eponymoustemplate isSimRange(A, B)

True if B is able to be used as a range the same as A.

eponymoustemplate isSliceAssignable(T)

True if T is able to be slice assigned.

eponymoustemplate isSliceable(T)

True if T is able to be sliced.

eponymoustemplate isStatic(alias A)

True if A is a static field.

eponymoustemplate isStaticArray(T)

True if T is a static array.

eponymoustemplate isString(T)

True if T is any string.

eponymoustemplate isStruct(alias A)

True if A is a struct type symbol.

eponymoustemplate isTemplate(alias A)

True if A is a template.

eponymoustemplate isTemplatedCallable(alias F)

True if F is a dynamic lambda (templated, ie: x => x + 1)

eponymoustemplate isTopLevel(alias A)

True if A is an alias to a top-level symbol, like a package or intrinsic, which has no parent.

eponymoustemplate isType(alias A)

True if A is a type symbol.

eponymoustemplate isUnion(alias A)

True if A is a union type symbol.

eponymoustemplate isUnsafe(alias F)

True if F is unsafe.

eponymoustemplate isUnsigned(T)

True if T is unsigned.

eponymoustemplate isValueType(T)

True if T is not an indirection.

eponymoustemplate sizeof(T)

Gets the size of T dynamically, returning the actual instance size.


BaseClassesTuple (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
BaseTypeTuple (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
ConstOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
EnumMembers (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
FieldNameTuple (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
ForeachType (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
FunctionTypeOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
ImmutableOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
InoutOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
KeyType (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
Largest (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
ParameterDefaults (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
ParameterIdentifierTuple (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
ParameterStorageClassTuple (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
PointerTarget (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
Promoted (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
QualifierOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
RepresentationTypeTuple (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
Select (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
SetFunctionAttributes (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
SharedConstInoutOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
SharedConstOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
SharedInoutOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
SharedOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
Signed (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
TemplateArgsOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
TemplateOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
TransitiveBaseTypeTuple (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
Unconst (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
Unqual (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
Unshared (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
Unsigned (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
ValueType (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
allSameType (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
functionAttributes (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
functionLinkage (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
getSymbolsByUDA (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
getUDAs (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
hasFunctionAttributes (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
hasIndirections (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
hasNested (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
hasStaticMember (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
hasUDA (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
isNested (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
lvalueOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
mostNegative (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
rvalueOf (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
select (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.
variadicFunctionStyle (from std.traits)
public import std.traits : functionAttributes, hasFunctionAttributes, functionLinkage, FunctionTypeOf, ParameterDefaults, ParameterIdentifierTuple, ParameterStorageClassTuple, SetFunctionAttributes, variadicFunctionStyle, BaseClassesTuple, BaseTypeTuple, EnumMembers, FieldNameTuple, hasStaticMember, hasNested, hasIndirections, isNested, RepresentationTypeTuple, TemplateArgsOf, TemplateOf, TransitiveBaseTypeTuple, InoutOf, ConstOf, SharedOf, SharedInoutOf, SharedConstInoutOf, SharedConstOf, ImmutableOf, QualifierOf, allSameType, ForeachType, KeyType, Largest, mostNegative, PointerTarget, Signed, Unconst, Unshared, Unqual, Unsigned, ValueType, Promoted, lvalueOf, rvalueOf, select, Select, hasUDA, getUDAs, getSymbolsByUDA;
Undocumented in source.


template DefaultInstantiate(alias T)

Instantiates T using all default arguments (void[] for types or variadic)

template ElementType(T)

Gets the element type of T, if applicable. Returns the type of enum values if T is an enum.

template Fields(alias A)

Gets an AliasSeq of the names of all fields in A.

template Functions(alias A)

Gets an AliasSeq of the names all functions in A.

template Implements(T)

Gets an AliasSeq all types that T implements.

template Length(T)

Gets the length of T, if applicable.

template Module(alias A)

Gets the module that A is declared in, or itself, if it has no module.

template Package(alias A)

Gets the package that A is declared in, or itself, if it has no package.

template Parameters(alias F)

Gets the parameters of a callable symbol.

template ReturnType(alias F)

Gets the return type of a callable symbol.

template Signature(alias A, bool DECLARING = true)

Gets the signature of A as a string, has defined special behavior for callables and fields. This includes all attributes, templates (must be already initialized, names are lost,) and parameters.

template Templates(alias A)

Gets an AliasSeq of the names of all templates in A.

template Types(alias A)

Gets an AliasSeq of the names of all types in A.
